Tuesday, December 7, 2010

12/52 Crystal Hernandez

Shooting on time? I give myself an A.

Processing the photos? A+

Uploading? A+

Blogging about the shoots? We're hovering around a C.

Hey, still a passing grade...

I met Crystal when we were both working at the Drawing Room. Crystal is an ex-Floridian who moved up to the much less climatically-temperate city of Chicago. She is a resident of Chicago's Logan Square neighborhood, where she lives with her two puppies. During the shoot Crystal serenaded us with awesome old country records.

As for the lighting, I kept it simple. There is one SB800 at high camera left, bare. I zoomed it in a bit to try to get more of an emphasis on the subject. I tried using a gridspot, but the resultant circle of light was too small. The other light is an on-axis fill provided by a rayflash ring adapter, set to TTL -2.0.

We did some takes of Crystal and her dog moonbeam as well:

...which resulted in...

....Puppy explosion!

I took inspiration from a recent post on strobist and once again placed the camera on a Tripod. I really like being able to lock in a composition and then just work with the subject. It's a technique better for some shoots than others for sure. Here's a pullback to show the setup:

Strobist Info:
SB-800 high camera left
SB-800 on camera through rayflash adapter, set to TTL -2.0

Camera Settings:
1/250 f/6.3 at ISO 200
Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8

1 comment:

  1. @crystal I luv u crid pie! And this shoot is awesome Jay! Love this blog, thanks crystal for introducing me! <3
